Wednesday, August 3, 2016


The sun is shining this bright August morn
   thru my waxy bush and thru 
the window...making mottledy shadows
   on the fruited table cover

The day is cool and the early sky is clear
    .... the light has a hint of fall,
as it does every August here in the 
    shadow of the Sandias...

The bird-grain twelve-inch cylinder, a mere
    five feet to my left is swaying ever 
so slightly with the weight of three hungry
    sparrows, pecking merrily away...
getting their breakfast.

I am busy writing down some ideas...WHEN
    a big shadow falls over my Staples
tablet, as the sparrows flit away fast...and
    I look up.

A dove, as big as a small chicken is sitting
    on top of the grain---and staring right
at me! I know the drill...and move nary an

I marvel at the bird. Oh there are hundreds,
    maybe thousands of bright-colored-birds
in the world, but this "plain" one always 
    grabs me!

It is as if, the Creator is saying: "See what 
    I can do with simple whites, grays, and
blues...and aren't subtle colors a nice idea?"
This bird has a long smooth light gray
   breast and body, and with the darker
gray wings folded, strips of navy blue 
   and pure white run toward the tail,
barely showing under the wings...

The tail feathers are several inches long
   and put the finishing touches on its
 graceful body. 

His graceful neck is constantly moving, right
   and left, somewhat jerkily...his sharp
dark eyes, not missing a thing. Everything
on my writing table puzzles him.

He has a lite breakfast and is GONE!
   No wonder he is so slim and graceful!

Yes, you guessed it! My morning visitor
    is a "WHITE WING DOVE."

I sit and meditate upon the beauties of
    the earth, and our Loving Creator, 
for a long time,

and then begin to hum a hymn,

"all things bright and beautiful,
all things great and small....."


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