Wednesday, August 24, 2016


"I've reached the land of joy divine,
   and all its beauties now are mine,
Here shines undimmed one blissful day,
    for all my night has passed away.

    O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land
     As on thy highest mount I stand...
     I look away across the sea
     Where mansions are prepared for me
     And view the shining glory shore,
     My heav'n, my home forevermore"

  ----- "BEULAH  LAND" .....Edgar P. Styles

Old-time Texans, all along down the Gulf Coast
     say that there may be a 
Halcyon Place---a Heaven on Earth---
     yes---a true Beulah Land, right here---
on Earth....amongst us...

They say, if there is one, it's a half-world
    north of Capricorn, still north 
of Cancer, NE of South Padre Island,
    and east of Terlingua.... but definitely
as is fittin'---it's in Texas!

It is said to he a Place flowing with milk and honey,
     and tomato juice...

Birds sing all the day, they say---even some 
    at night... cows and calves chewing tender 
grass, may be heard giving out contented moos...

Badgers, possums, turtles, and other critters come
     and go, roaming freely...crows and ravens
hover over the Eden-like green paradise, as if
    keeping a protective watch

A small Pond is filled with jumping bass, keeping
    the water free of bugs...perch and crappie 
doze in the shallows, among the cattails, and 
    water lilies...

At the Pond's edge, a weathered dock
     eases it's way into the
crystal water...and a  distinguished, contented,
     white-haired gentleman sits in a folding
chair, reading....

He has dozed-off peacefully, his head droops
   under his beat-ip straw hat,..the book
lying across his a Faulkner!
    "AS I LAY DYIJG," and an overturned
spilled can at this side reads: "Diet Pepsi."

People that know him say that under his
   gruff demeanor beats a heart of gold,
kindness, and friendliness...that he helps 
     children and disabled to fish in his pond,
and he hauls veggies to widows and orphans...

They also say that he has a magnificent, amazing,
    Red Barn, right in the middle of this Place,
where he "hangs out"....and all who pass by
    would pay big bucks just for a peek inside!

Everywhere one looks are trees...there are
    a dozen species decorating and cooling
the place...pecan, chestnut, birch, elms, peach,
    cherry, sycamore, crabapple and oak...

Two old gnarled oaks (circa 1776) may be seen, 
    off to one side,
as if seeking privacy, and discussing deep issues...

Fragrances fill the air at this earthly Beulah Land...
    from sunflowers ten feet tall, giant tomato
plants...and all manner of veggies are found in
    the garden---

Corn as high as an elephant's eye...
Black-eyed peas and Kentucky Wonders...
Cantaloupes and watermelons...
Squash and cucumbers...
Cabbages---the size of  basketballs...
Carrots and radishes...
Okra, chest-high
A dozen or more lettuces and greens...

Old-timer Texans, who claim they know this Place...
    say that often around twilight on fine days,
as the sun lingers low in the west...

A spirit-like form is seen walking among the
   trees, visiting the "talking oaks," and
musing by the Pond, in the rusted folding chair...

He makes notes in a old leather notebook, and
    seems always deep in thought.

They think he might be a displaced Texan, longing
     for home...or some say he could be a 
POET...from out west and the Rio Grande....
    who is drawn to the beauty and solitude of 
the Place

You who roam in the southern climes, keep an eye
     out for  Beulah Land---(look up in the sky for
billowing white thunderheads...of blessing...)

It is called "WILD PEACH." If it exists...


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