Friday, December 14, 2018


B.E. had been working 
   frantically all morning it seemed...
on her "Christmas Baking" 
   which oft went off and on
for days      and she was going
   to and fro in the kitchen
while I was at my Writing Place
   in the dining area...

She was making nineteen bags
   of her famous (and much anticipated)
Cinnamon Waffles....and 
   much measuring was required---
(You can imagine) an' she said:
   "Don't talk to me--I'm measuring."

Next thing I know, she's standing 
    right beside me, all decked out
(and very cute-looking) in
   her red trench coat, that everybody
likes...a twinkle in her eye and 
    Christmas excitement galore
in her face!

"We're having a light lunch today,
    an’ I'm headed out to buy 
you a jar of your favorite jelly to 
   spread on your waffle, an’ 
not to worry--I remember that
   you don't like wimpy waffles--
I'll get yours brown and. crispy!"

"So you are probly tired of the
    usual suspects, like grape, 
strawberry, and orange marmalade
     so I'm gonna find you some plum,
boysenberry, loganberry, wild peach,
    apple butter, red raspberry
(which you love), blueberry, or 
   crabapple---don't fret--I guarantee
you're gonna be happy....with what
   I bring home!"

With that she was gone, skipping 
   out of the kitchen like a kid
headed out to play jacks somewhere...
    and she was exuding Christmas
cheer and joy!

She was back after a time 
    and cooked my lunch--a wonderful-
smelling waffle...and brown and
     crispy, on one of our colorful plates
(which we love)

My waffle was all slathered with
   butter and she brought me 
the whole new jar of jelly which
    she had proudly picked out---
just for me.

She said: "Well, I had a lot of shopping
    to do, and some birthday cards
to get, and I saw some girls I had 
    taught with---and we talked a spell--
and you know how it goes---when 
    the time came to go through 
the jellies, I was pooped. So guess 
   what, I just got you three-in-one!
You're gonna love your Christmas

I did, and I can tell. It's going to be
       A Fine “Triple-Berry” Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Photos by Mil


  “Putting the pan under the tree was a tradition……”
   Billy Gilbreath

Things to Ponder

by Billy Gilbreath, guest writer

Gone and gone for days now past
Wondering would Santa arrive
No chimney but an old stove pipe
Too hot even to touch and yet
Somehow he made it wit
Apples, Oranges, Brazil Nuts,
Chocolate candy, wrinkled peppermint,

A single gift but gif glad
Knowing the sacrifice of 
Those who cared, loved
Done without just to
Make us happy and something
To place under the tree
In the pan so carefully placed
Only a few will understand.
Me thinks I know who they are,
Those I love and remember.

Billy Gilbreath
HSU “58

For Mil’s, 12/14/18