Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Poets write about spring...
Poets write about summer...
Poets write even about winter,
But there's no time in 
All creation...like autumn!

It seems that all nature
Slows down a bit in autumn.
The sun, which shone hotly
and worked hard all summer
to get the crops in...now seems 
gentle, as if coasting and relaxing.
There is a strange quietness
in the fall of the year...in what
We call..."Indian Summer."

The leaves are turning and falling...
I know of a cozy park. Over in the
back corner, out of sight is a park bench
Where I like to go, and ponder things...
I'm headed over there to sit a spell---
And maybe watch the little squirrels
Scampering happily among the 
Golden leaves, or playing peek-a-boo
With me up on the tree limbs...

There are always cheerful little birds there---
All around, celebrating creation with
their melodious tunes.

An almost non-existent gentle breeze
Is breathing over me and the park...
My, it is cool and nice! Is it...the breath
of God? Is He walking among His sons and

I don't like the song: "From a distance,
our God is watching us;" No, He is all around us,
holding everything together; After all, "He's got the
whole wide world in His hand!"

I'm sitting there, absorbing it all. and thinking:
If a person were helping to design the world
Way back at the beginning---would he 
In his most creative moment, ever have thought
Of a TREE? And one whose leaves changed
to beautiful colors in the fall!? Would this person
Have even conceived the idea of "autumn?"

This is a good time and place to do some
Serious pondering and meditating...
To go back over in your memory
Your years, and some of the
Old long-forgotten times, and friends, 
Many of which are still fresh in your mind,
And dear....

Maybe it's time to be grateful
To the Creator for everything and
To promise to try to do a little better...
A good time to think of our fellow men,
Many of whom are carrying loads
Much heavier than we suspect.

("How can we love God, whom we have
not seen, if we don't love man whom we 
have seen?")

Have you ever sat and prayed, and
mentioned by name, many of the folks
you can think of, whom you have known
in your life? We owe a lot to many of them.

As we sit and ponder the deeper things
which comes to mind in autumn---
The nip in the afternoon air and the
Ever-present smell of green chiles roasting
Bring us back to the present...and the season...
And then we lean back and think of all
The fun things about autumn...like

Cold nights in front of the fireplace,
Reading under a cozy quilt
With cold winds howling around the corner
Of the house....

A jig- saw puzzle over there in the corner
On a card table---everyone who passes by
Bends over and adds a piece to the tree...
Maybe a good old game of Scrabble...
On your worn-out fifty year old set...
Or how about getting serious and doing
A round of Trivial Pursuit 
With the Beloved Editor....

Going through old photo albums in your
Attic, with the wind telling you of long-past
things as it blows through that little space
at the bottom of the window...which you
leave in order to get that lonesome moaning 
sound of the wind....

Who can ever forget those smells of oak and
Pinon burning in fireplaces all over town!  
Leaves scurrying, eagerly headed somewhere...

Or how about a bowl of hot chili or stew
and cornbread, on a cool night, after work?
Or shall we make that---cabbage stew?!

Then there's football, tailgating, Little League,
A cup of hot chocolate after walking the dog...

We can't wait! For the the first norther and big
Wind, that sends all colors of leaves scooting
along the curbs! It's all coming before we
know it!

O, the eternal light of fall days!
When I leave this world, I think I will miss...
autumn the most.


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