Monday, November 26, 2012



When I was a student at La Casita School, back in the 1940's, I would often go to Dimmitt,Texas where I had two uncles and several cousins. They were farmers. I just loved the farm!

When I first started spending some of my summers there, I stayed with my uncle who lived in
an old house; this was not an unusual thing in the 40's. There were many old houses. They had an old windmill that one of my cousins, Bryce, and I liked to play around. We climbed the
old wooden ladder.

One very warm day, we had been riding an old horse near that old windmill. Bryce was taking his turn on the horse and rode up to the water tank at the windmill so the horse could get a drink. He was about to get off the horse when the horse decided that it was "bath time" for him. It was time to cool off a bit! Thus Bryce, the horse, saddle, and all went into that stock tank and had a bath!

I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but I have always loved windmills. I have been known to stop along the road to take a picture of an interesting mill I had  just spotted.

In the late 50's I went to work on that farm! My uncle had built a new house far from where
the old windmill was. It had a nice new well, with a pump on it. You know, the whir of that
pump didn't do for me what the pumping of the windmill did!

And I still stop once in a while to get a picture of a windmill!

Guest Writer
Sent from my iPad

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