Monday, May 14, 2018


This Thursday, May 17 2018, is a BIG BIG  DAY
at our house. It, with its festive air and it's promise
of future delights, sort of reminds me of the "hog
killing days" down in W. Texas, when I was a kid.


Yes! Thursday is TOMATO PLANTING DAY !!
 (No, we don't plant in the middle of March
and have to cover our plants with blankets the 
next night.)  

At our first home here in town where we lived
twenty-four years, our four big elm trees in the
backyard (where the boys had tree houses)
got the Elm Disease...and just up and died.

We cut them down and dug the roots out and
there were holes big as hand grenade craters
across our backyard. The boys hacked away
at those giant stumps and finally just buried

Enter the FARM BOY---ME. I landscaped the 
whole backyard with flower beds/garden
combo. Then planted tomatoes and watered
them often with Miracle Grow liquid tomato
fertilizer...careful not to make my "Koolade-
looking" fertilizer bucket too blue.

I had big glorious tomatoes galore over there
with more than we could eat. Many
long-forgotten friends showed up.

THEN...we moved to a bigger, newer, nicer
home, north of our old place about four
miles. Ah, but though it was beautifully
landscaped (with plants and bushes all
over), EVERYTHING, including flower beds
was totally graveled...or paved.

Thus, for us, tomatoes were history. And
my friends, we know store-boughten tomatoes
are "nothing to write home about."

That was the status quo from 1985 to 2004...
when one fateful day I came across a Florida
company that offered big heavy plastic boxes
about 28 x 14 inches---for growing all kinds of
veggies on one's back porch..or wherever.

WOW! You order them, fill them with dirt,
and there is a lattice thing in the bottom
about three inches up and water goes down 
there through a little plastic spout, 'til it gets
three niches deep and them a drain starts 
to leak and you quit watering.

Your dirt will last five years or so unless you
get some virus or something contaminating it.

You order a planting kit from EARTH BOXES
each year, with a little bag of Dolomite to mix
into the soil, and a little bag of 7-7-7 fertilizer
to layer on top of the soil on one side, away from 
the plants.

With the permission of "Management," i.e. B.E.,
I ordered five boxes that year with planting
kits @ $240.00.They are about fourteen years
old, this year. We have had many years of 
marvelous tomatoes!

It's the tomatoes we're after, not peas,
beans, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, bell
peppers, okra, cantaloupes, watermelons---
you can buy all that at the Farmer's Market.

But not tomatoes. Vine-ripened, juicy, flavorful,
home-grown tomatoes...check the vitamins
and nourishment in one.

So our youngest son, Brian--- (the guitar 
professor)-- who already has his vines in,
is coming over Thursday with TEN PLANTS,
and a valve thingie which is needed for our
auto-watering system, which he devised.

We will plant, and talk in the shade, for it
is getting warm now in these parts, and
there will be dirt all over the driveway, and
plastic trash from the kits, but it will be
a grand old family time...and a bit
traditional by now! 

We will have a Garcia's Combo Mexican
plate to "fortify ourselves," and when it
is all over, late in the afternoon, we will
sweep up the debris...and sit back and 
smile, thinking of that blessed day, along
about July 25" when we will have our 
first tomato...sliced up good and proper---
covered with cottage cheese...and 
coarse black pepper.

By Mil
14 MAY 2018

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