Saturday, August 25, 2018


That day in 1969, while on a picture-taking 
trip to old Ft. Union in northern New Mexico,
I spied an old Methodist Church, almost
hidden amongst a random bunch of ancient
gnarled overgrown cottonwoods.

It was the door latch that grabbed my 
attention as my friend and I drove off 
the highway and parked in front of the
historic church. It was an ornate, though
rusted (and interesting) old door latch
on the rather well-maintained little church

The photo taken that day
    with my Rollei, of the 
door latch on the front door
    of the ancient 
Watrous Methodist Church
     came out a bit blurred...
maybe befitting the blurring
     Mists of Time..and events
of a hundred years ago, when
old Americans---early settlers
    and their children 
came during hard times to 
     worship and seek
forgiveness and salvation...

The strains of ancient hymns
     could almost be heard
that day, as if wafting out on
  the gentle mountain breezes---

"Brethren, we have met to worship
     and adore the Lord our God,
Will you pray with all your power
     while we try to preach the Word.."

"On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
     and cast a wishful eye
To Canaan's fair and happy land
      where my possessions lie...
I am bound for the Promised Land..."

"O happy day that fixed my choice..."

Those old-timers, whose hands 
     grasped that ornate unrusted
door latch a century a sense
     were opening the door to 
eternity, and though they are gone
      forever from the earth,
they still live...and even the young
    children who opened that door,
are gone also ...along with their 
    little handprints...on the latch...

They all still live, not because
    they looked for "religion"
in that church..but because they
   sought...and found forgiveness.

25 AUGUST 18

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