Monday, July 11, 2016



It's probably not wholly true, but I like to think 
of that neat little Green Stamp Store at the 
corner of Main and Sixth, in Clovis, as "THE

(It is certainly the last one I  remember,  in
my whole life. Fawnette's mom ran it.)

You know, "the last one"---like "The Last Picture
Show," "The Last Frontier," "The Last Alaskans,"
and "The Last Homestead...."

And it is true, I think, that we own the "last Green
Stamp iced- tea glass."

It is splendidly golden, so apropos, and has handy
"grooves" to keep it from slipping. Things were well
crafted in those days---"Made in the USA."

Ah, you young 'uns out there, under sixty-five---you
are saying: "I don't remember  nuthin' about no
so-called Green Stamp stores. What were they?"

Well sir, you kids pull up some chairs and Ole
avuncular Uncle Mil will tell you a heart-warming,
quaint, and unforgettable story."

Once upon a time, in  good old Clovis, N.M. USA
and many American towns, I suppose, there were
"Green Stamp Stores." It was back in the time
when movies and popcorn were each 10 cents,
a three-dip ice cream cone was 15 cents, and a 
hamburger with a pickle slice, was 20 cents.

Miraculously then, there were grocery stores that gave
out "green stamps" to ladies buying groceries. They
saved them and went to the GS stores and traded
them for I don't know whatall---household-type  stuff.

Just about everyone did was very popular. You
see, money was not quite as plentiful as it is today ---
for a lot of people. You got one green stamp for every
10 cents worth of groceries you bought.

My dear mama herself collected stamps and had a 
whole kitchen drawer full-to-overflowing, and she often
grabbed me if I was loafing and had me fill up her
stamp books for her, with all those loose stamps.

You didn't lick those things---she gave me a little
white Corning bowl half-full of water and and a ragged
"warsh rag" to do it; then she'd rubber-band the books,
and hide 'em away from any thieves or perps.

Stay with me now, you sixty-five year old "kids," for
my story now gets good. It's about LOVE.  

When BE and I "got married" on that wonderful, happy
day, 59 1/2 tears ago, my generous mama got into her
secret stash of S and H Green Stamp books, and gave 
us a bunch of 'em. I'll swanny, she really helped us out!

We went straight down to the S and H Store, at Sixth and
Main and picked out a hamburger charcoal grill, which
I assembled. It wasn't no Weber, but it must've cooked
a thousand burgers in its life, 'til the bottom fell out.

We also got a cotton Indian-design blanket, kind of
green and red, and really all-colored---which became 
our lifetime "picnic blanket." After years of picnics,
over-turned Coca Colas and Pepsis, and a few squashed
deviled eggs, and many washings, it is faded, has holes,
and is ragged....but it is highly revered at our house.

Then we got a set of golden iced tea glasses (the 
subject of this story) from the Clovis Green Stamp Store!

Oh, the gallons of iced tea that were consumed
from those beloved glasses!

But, as happens to all things of Earth, the years have 
taken their toll---over 59 plus years the six glasses have 
dwindled to ONE--- "The Last Green Stamp Glass!"

Turns out that B.E. is very partial to this glass and uses
it all the time. I find it on the edge of cabinet tops.
precarious-like. One day I said: "I'm afraid you're a'gonna
break it an' we won't have anything left from 59 1/2 years

And then she totally melted my heart, when she replied:
"Except the greatest love story in the world!" She's right,
the things that really matter are not of this Earth."

Green Stamps are no more now...except a fond memory
for many of us. But they were a small--yet BIG---part of
our lives, in a way.

It does make us feel proud to know---we own what may
well be---The Last Green Stamp Iced Tea Glass!

(Epilogue: In old Clovis, In the 40's and 50's, Wednesday
may have been the most-anticipated day of the week.

Oh yes, it was Prayer Meeting Day in the churches, and 
that was so important....

But maybe the REAL BIGGIE (as most of the women
would tell you)---- IT WAS DOUBLE-GREEN-STAMP-
DAY at the grocery store!
JULY 11. 2016

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