Saturday, October 11, 2014


O, how people are taken
    with the fading greens, the reds,
the browns, the golds, and the burnt
    orange hues...
of the trees and foliage
    in autumn time.

How beautiful are the azure skies...
    with big white billowing cumulus
clouds...and the clear bluish gurgling
     mountain streams of hills and
vales, and high plateaus!

Folks notice these things, as the fall
    season comes, and its beauties
are sometimes almost overwhelming.

Yet...there is one thing about autumn,
    often missed---its stillness and silence.
Indian Summer brings a certain feel
    to the very air...on one's patio....or
in the lonely places of the earth...the
    river valleys...of the high plateaus...
just about everywhere

There is..............a certain quietness...
     a silence.............a stillness.....
a solitude......a peace.....about the air
     as if the Earth is resting...
Even the usual noises in the city
     seem muted, or far off...or

It may be the Creator walks His
    Earth, unknown to his children,
in autumn time....
    and maybe He prefers

The psalmist said, Psalms 46:10...
    "Be still and know that I am God."
How much we "are still" is the question.

The Sun adds to this peacefulness by
    becoming more gentle...oh yes.
comfortably nice, but not hot, and
    it's rays mingle with the air and
add to the gentleness of the days.

Resting for the Earth is a good thing
    for soon the northers will come...
the cold north winds, will blow noisily
    around the corners of houses,
moaning thru partially open windows....
    Stripping the trees of their colorful
leaves...these leaves will fill gutters
    and flower beds...and backyards...
and will scurry and rattle and blow
    down curbs, seeking a place
to live for the winter......

The cold will certainly come and the
    winter will be here, not with
color but beautiful pure whiteness
    if it snows....

And silence will be gone, replaced
    by all the happy sounds of
football games, bands, the holidays,
    Christmas carols playing, kids sledding,
crowds shopping...and O how
    sounds are magnified in the
cold air!

It's nice that we are given autumn
   to rest a bit while the Earth itself
rests...and enjoys a period of peace
    quietness and beauty...
for it will be a whole year
    'til it comes round to us again.


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