Thursday, January 28, 2021



The grandest PLACES in the world
for storing your stuff (i.e. "junk")
is in attics!  

I do my best  musing upstairs
in my nice cozy medium-sized pine
wood, much-loved room.   you know-
you have read about it many times in earlier
years ...and likely you can describe that
wonderful place     as well as I ...with
     the sturdy GI 3/4 sturdy steel bed ,
old fashioned quilts, 
faded and stacked neatly in a
straw-bottomed kitchen chair in the
corner, the six- foot rough pine bookshelf
hammered together by me      with the 
 beat-up USMC Ka-Bar 
                  rakishly sticking into one end of the shelf. 

Shall I go on poles, minnow
bucket, hip-waders, duck decoys, old
hunting jacket (faded to light mustard)
Ah, and barely holding together is a
box of 12's ...high heavies,
in  a historical (beautiful ) old shotgun 
shell box....marked "Ft. Sam Houston,
Texas Commissary 1946 @ $1.49.”

There are memories galore, flavor and
                  personality in old attics,
not to even mention the marvelous 
aroma of   OLD BOOKS!

They say, no self-respecting attic is
complete without an airplane
propeller and a seamstress dummy. 
Someone gifted me these. I don't 

Resting here  in front of  me on my 
garage-sale table with the
old office Avanti fridge, the tiny
microwave and the coffee pot---
is my usual can of Beanie Weeneies,
my Delaware PUnch from old 
Mexico, and  a sack of Fritos....for
when I get  "meditated out"

(I won't bore you this time with all
my great SNACKS over there in the
shelf..  for my esapes ...up here...
Like the sardines in mustard sauce...)

Oft up here the wind whistles...
and the snow blows  and whips the 
branch outside, against the shutters...
I get out all my old high school and 
college annuals    and look through
them all     remembering those who 
are gone....many recently ...and calling
their names out loud remembrance....
of our times together.

Sometimes I end up with an old Mark
Twain or Wordsworth book curled up in
my GI Bed, under several quilts...and
B.E climbs up the stairs and sticks  her
head in the door and calls:
          "You okay up here?"
But  on this early January Day in dreaded
2021 somehow I got to thinking/
    "How lucky I am to be an American...
and especially  TO BE A TEXAN!!!!!

No one can ever take that away from 
you...if you are a real borned -Texan!

Why I even own a piece of land where
the sand blows, and the cotton  grows, 
the watermelons flourish, and the grape
arbors  are loaded with purple grapes.m

I opened my Beanie Weenies and joy!
Found that B.E. knew of my New Year's
climb, and had stashed a bowl
of chili con queso    in my little fridge.

Ah, portents, harbingers... omens
     of a    GOOD  2021??  Hope so!
5  JANUARY 2021



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