Sunday, September 11, 2011


Do you ever wonder about the IQ's of fast- food drive-up managers? All they have to do to make the world a better place is to tell their window employees: "When you give change, first put the COINS in the customer's bare sticky palms, and then add the bills."

Don't you get it? Then we wouldn't have change sliding around and falling off between the car and the window. Try "wedging out" through six inches of door opening, under your mirror, bending down (at my age?), picking up the change (my picker-upper is at home) with short fingernails, and IF you miraculously recover the coins, unfolding yourself and banging your head on the mirror...while that nut behind is continuously honking!

So what are your options?

(1) Well, the ingenious window-guys are crazy about the "helpy-selfy" plan, which we just discussed. "The bad news is--you'll have to get it yourself; but guess what the good news is? Lucky you, a bonus-- the last guy didn't get his. In fact it has been piling up all morning." This actually happened to my wife last Monday.

(2) They could apologize and say, "Here is your 35 cents." But now they say it is deducted from their paychecks.

(3) You could drive off forgetting it, the graceful and irky thing to do. Now that won't work. I am a child of The Great Depression. I remember, until I could no longer bend over, I would pick up a penny. (Have you seen hard times?) There was a most-excellent documentary 25-30 years ago, put out by the U. of Colorado I believe, titled "You Are What You Were When." If you can find, watch it.

(4) You COULD drive forward, get out, and walk back and bend over under IMPATIENT HONKER'S window (he has pulled forward) and deal with his epithets and his mirror while he casts aspersions on your ancestry. Not. goes on...they keep putting coins on the slick bills...they keep sliding off...managers sit in their chambers, smoking cigars...

You are saying, "Now Mil, don't tell me you frequent those places?" Okay, you got me, but only when it is "my turn to cook."

By Mil
Sent from my iPad

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