Monday, July 18, 2011


What happened to the know, those little snack boxes? We used to get a nice-size
little box---- enough for a good snack, or to dump into your cereal--now the box is half as big.

What happened to the coffee? It is now 11 or 13 ounces.
What happened to the sausage? Now a roll is 12 ounces.
What happened to the tissue rolls?
What happened to the French fries? Now a regular order is 1.75 and YOU DON'T GET MUCH!

What happened to the juevos rancheros at that...GREAT PLACE? A friend told me that they have cut down the amount of food and gone up. Does that sound familiar? Ring any bells?

Most people will pay more, somewhat willingly, but don't cut the quality or amount. Going up always seems to accompany a lesser product, DONTCHAKNOW?

What happened to eggs? Nothing yet...what can you do, a carton of eleven?

Moving on in this uplifting article, whatever happened to help in a store? Sorry,
no clerks. (Heard any "May I help you" lately?)

What happened to COURTESY TO CUSTOMERS?? Like "Thank you for shopping with us,"
or "Come back to see us." (We were taught in high school Marketing to say all those things.)

At a noted Mexican restaurant that serves great food, you pay your check up front. Three times an almost identical thing has happened. This very visible representative of this restaurant took my money and guess who said "thank you?" It was I who did the "thanking," not the cashier. Isn't that strange...but are we surprised?
What happens when you have most any kind of problem whereby you have to call on the phone for service? Not to worry, if you speak fluent Farsi, you will do fine.

If I were manager of a business, I would in no uncertain terms instruct the personnel that good old fashioned friendliness is the name of the game in our establishment. Friendliness like Baldridges had and you can still find at Starbucks.

BUT...back to the RAISINS....I am like Captain Queeg and his strawberries, the raisins totally ticked me off.

Sent from my iPad

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