Monday, October 8, 2012



  “ ….. I liked your newest blog about drive-in movies .  I remember very well living in San Antonio, Texas circa 1973. We had to purchase and burn these coil-like mosquito repellants to be able to go to the drive-in, due to hordes of insects, but what a party it was!   Everyone would pack their bbq grill and fire up the ribs, hot dogs, and hamburgers.  Of course, being San Antonio, there was a fair amount of "sippin" (i.e. adult beverages) going on too.  There was no better and less inexpensive way to have a night out, and yes, it was romantic too. Too bad this became a thing of the past, but all "cheap" modes of entertainment are now obsolete.”  L.J.

“Mil, The drive in in Las Vegas operates during the summer, and has first run movies. The only problem  is that the sound comes over your car radio.  There is always a double header, and they suggest you charge your car battery during intermission.  A number of people have had to get jumped to leave because their battery ran down.  Quite an experience.  I believe that our last movie there was ‘Hairspray’”.  J.S.

 “Mil...Don't tell anyone, but regular theaters are slowly going the way of the drive-in's. People don't need them.  They watch on their I-Pads, computers, and I-phones.  Wrist watches are also on the way out.  Save the ones you have to sell as antiques/collector items...”  R.S.

This one got me to thinking.

 In the early 1960's my company transferred me to Florida to work on the Titan launch programs.  Our kids were small and they loved going to the drive in movie.  We had a station wagon and would make a bed in the rear.  When they got tired and sleepy, they would crawl into the back. Marcia and I could enjoy the second feature.  The first feature was always directed towards the small ones and the second was aimed more for the adults.

 During the summer there was a big mosquito problem in the area so spraying was a major activity.  The first time at the drive in was a big surprise to us.  During the showing of the film. a small vehicle drove down the traffic lane putting out the most dense fog that we had ever seen,  It fogged up the windshield.  You could actually see the bugs falling out of the air onto the windshield.  We had to turn on the wipers to clear them off.  After our first shock, we sat there and laughed and laughed.”    Richard Drake, guest writer. 

And speaking of mosquitoes.....another fragment from the memory bank, from Richard: 

 "The first morning in our new home we had a big fright .  Our house was on a corner at the end of a long street.  We were in the living room enjoying our morning goodbye kiss, when we saw out of the front window, an airplane trying to land on the street. It was headed directly at the house and  It appeared to be on fire with white smoke coming from the wings. I only had time to grab Marcia and we dove behind the couch just as the plane flew over the house at tree level.  It was spraying for mosquitos.  It took most of the morning for the adrenaline to wear off.  It took several months before we started to learn to live in Florida."


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