Wednesday, October 17, 2012



by Bob Snipes, guest writer

Mil, here is a drive-in movie story...............  

 One Saturday evening Betty and I had a date and we were crusing main.   We yelled at  J. B.and Guylinda (like you do on Main Street)----we visited  and decided to get in the car with J. B.     After a bit we said "Lets go to the drive in."    We checked our funds and decided that we did not have enough money.

So we got to thinking---J.  B. and I could get in the trunk and Betty and Guylinda could drive in and pay (we had enough money for that and a coke).   So J. B. and I jumped in the trunk--they slammed the trunk door and here we go.  We got in the movie with no problems---the girls pulled to the back row and let J. B. and I out----WaLa---it was a perfect sinful theft.

Well, after we watched the movie for a bit, J. B. and I decided to go get the cokes and we did.   We came out of the popcorn shop and headed where we thought the car was-----there was no car---we could not find the car! ! ! ! We decided that the girls were playing a trick on us and we just sat down and watched the movie until it was over.     No car, no girls! !

When the lot was almost empty, we spotted the car in the opposite direction from where we were looking. We ran to the car and whoa----did we have some explaining to do.  We tried to convince them that we were telling the truth (don't think they ever believed us).

Undoubtedly J. B. and I were disoriented because we were in the trunk when we went in.  Well,  we did not enjoy the movie--the girls were mad as old wet hens--and we for sure did not get a good night kiss---which all goes to say that crime does not pay and we felt like God taught us a lesson and chastised us.  This is real funny now, but it wasn't funny then.     This is a confession by Bob Snipes, Country Boy Bob

by guest writer, Bob Snipes, CHS class of '53

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