Wednesday, September 26, 2012



Men and women are different. By and large I judge that it is a good thing. It works out well.

Today, we are not attempting to go into the vast physiological and psychological differences between the two. Strangely, it's just women's socials/men's socials that I want to consider here. This subject has greatly captured my interest.

What has brought this to mind is there that are many, many different women's groups out there, meeting at various intervals---weekly, monthly, etc. There are sororities, book clubs, cooking clubs, quilting clubs, professional clubs, church groups, retired groups, and so on.

The subject here is the menu at these meetings. Guys, isn't it fascinating to know that a high percentage of these groups have "pot luck" SALAD menus, or something like that. Perhaps the ladies feel that such fare will bring a giant HALO to linger over their chosen venue!

Any man, on hearing the term "Salad Party" from his wife will react thusly: "Gag..umph...gag...oh, sounds wonderful, my sweet!" But thinking in his heart: "You've got to be kidding me!" Or, "Thank goodness, I don't have to go to that!"

I have followed these types of parties, with great fascination and interest, and always ask the wife, when she returns home:  "Did anyone bring some GOOD FOOD, you know, on sticks?" Sometimes the answer: "Why yes, Beatrice brought little meat balls (or chicken bites) on toothpicks, and the girls went absolutely crazy over them!" (Beatrice was the heroine of the meeting, and will probably be elected next president!)

So why do women keep punishing themselves? Why not save on calories at home through the week, and live it up, dietarily, when out with the girls?!

Now we come to the men. (And we assume that they do their salad-eating, if any, at home.) With men, you've got your "specialists." Men, like doctors, tend to specialize. You've got your steak-chefs, your expert-barbecuers, your astounding chili-makers, your accomplished hamburger-grillers, your baked bean-gurus, your bratwurst-broilers, and not the least---your cornbread-geniuses!

So when the pro-football TV crowd, the "men's group" (whatever THEY do), or the three tables of poker players get together, THERE WILL BE NO SHORTAGE OF FOOD! There will likely be some six packs, on ice, for the thirsty. But, "Hey guys, didn't anyone bring a salad?"

 Also, did you know that down in Texas, not only are many red-blooded Texans great cooks,  but they have their own big private heavy-duty, heavy-capacity "barbecuers," often barrel-looking things, mounted on trailers and  they pull them behind their pickups to any social event wherever they are needed, near or far--- no-prob! Like: "HAVE BARBECUER---WILL TRAVEL!"


Now we come to "TAILGATING" at football games! An activity for both men and women! Judging, from having observed this custom both at games and numerous TV game prelims, it seems that tailgating can become very elaborate and fancy, even to tables covered with white tablecloths, china, and stemware! This attracts interest, and people like attention.

Your normal run-of-the-mill tailgating group may have a couple of big  guy-cooks in tee shirts and bright aprons covering their ample guts. Their professional-looking grill is piled from one side to the other with steaks, hamburgers, chicken, and brats. (You wonder: who can eat all this meat?!)

But: here is no halo hanging over this scene! Again: WHO FORGOT THE SALADS? It is almost as if, "Salads need not apply!"

My experiences with tailgating picnics did not begin until 1992. Let me tell you---there is nothing like it! The fun, the relaxation, the excitement, and the electric energy in that parking lot---you can almost cut with a knife! People are laughing, joking, cooking, and a few old-time players are even out there tossing a football around, reliving their glory days, and hoping someone will notice and admire them! People are sitting in their lawn chairs, having a pre-meal diet Pepsi, or whatever.

OH THE SMELLS! Nothing like the smells! Wow, someone has got a pot of coffee going! Life is good! Here comes that KOB Radio guy to talk with us. Be right back!

After rhe game, and the rigors of getting out of the crowded stadium, we'll go back to our Blazer, fold the tailgate down, and rummage around in that icy, freezing water in the ice chest for a few left-over diet Pepsis, sit down, and talk about the game, and let the traffic thin out.

Tailgating is one of the nicest joys in life. It'd be fun, even if you just went, ate, talked,
absorbed the sights and energy, skipped the game and went home.

It's interesting how much of our life revolves around food and friendships!


Reader's response to advance copy:  "These are great experiences for many folks.  At Gator games I notice that hundreds of people tailgate with their TVs, and naturally, food and drinks and don't even go to the games; they all just sit around under the trees and Gator tents and just eat and have fun!"

Ned Bibbix

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