Thursday, December 24, 2020

LAYING IT BY in 2020


by Billy Gilbreath, guest writer

 Laying It BY  In 2020 

From a phrase from farmers of the past         

Some will remember, my Grandpa would

Times of ploughing, to prepare the soil

Making those rows perfect for the seed

Ploughing, sowing, waiting and watching

Sounds like this year and eager to end

Ploughing through the many months

Starting early, the political debates

Then the endless pleas for my vote 

My mute, channel changers got tired

Facebook also many wanting to rest

Suddenly the arrival of the pandemic

Ploughing again through many months

Reluctant to watch or read the paper

Those who are positive and those deceased

Anxiously awaiting the promise of a cure

The news is arriving and the seed sown

Is germinating with the promise, a vaccine

Now as the days of my farmer Grandpa

Laying it by for this lengthy unusual year

Ploughing, soil preparation, sowing the seed 

Waiting and Watching patiently Praying always

Could this be a lesson from the one of old?

Ploughing, Sowing, Waiting, Watching Praying

Me thinks it is a good way to start, 2021.

Me thinks that my sweet Annalon, agrees.

Sow with a view to righteousness, 

Reap in accordance with kindness,

Break up your fallow ground,

For it is time to seek the Lord

Until He comes to rain righteousness on you,

                        Hosea 10:12

Our Thoughts and Blessings from Annalon & Billy

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