Relevant, Relevant
That old red brick church, now gone
Just across from those who sprinkle
Continues to remain a vision within
No air conditioners for relentless heat
A few above the ceiling turning around
Hand held fans from the funeral home
Was a must, property of the church.
Nothing prevented the singing of hymns
Those which always presented a message
Preaching was of the old style leading
To, Just AS I Am, to welcome sinners
To accept, Jesus as savior and life eternal
Occasionally during those months of revival
Visiting that church hidden in off road
We often referred to it as “Happy Holler.”
Old fashion mourner benches, a fixture
Clapping, singing the praises with feeling
An outburst of one beginning to shout
Sometimes a word of prophecy, given
Yes, what we called the unknown tongue
The anointing was from start to finish
Singing, praising, preaching and mourning
Three places of worship, different styles
Methinks, all have something in common
Present the gospel with “Just as I AM.”
Glorify and give praise to our Lord and Savior.
Relevant, Relevant, Years and Years later.
Billy Gilbreath
July 20, 2020
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