Thursday, May 9, 2019


  8 MAY 2019

If you chanced to
          wake up early.  
   one beautiful spring morning
in the sweet,
    cool fresh mountain air
of the Rio Grande Valley,
    just west of the Watermelons,
       What would you
write about...     ?

...with the rare spring angle
       of the sun's rays  coming in
through the "writing window, "
     and falling in a fascinating,
almost mysterious
                  "dappled light."
and...when the hanging-bird-grain just
   outside in the waxy bush
has been constantly covered with
    wrens, chickadees, and old-timey
run-of-the-mill sparrows...
    all having some breakfast  in
quick, flitting pecks...

A big beautiful white wing dove
    hangs back on a bush branch,
as if overseeing the whole
    scene...and he too slips in
for a quick bite   now and then...

Heartwarming is the tiny gray
   little round brand-new-bird with
no real feathers yet, and
    still with fuzzy fur    and he
sits alone on the window bar
    right at my end of the window...
staring at me  like he needs a
    friend    or maybe he has never
seen a real writer before...he watches,
    and watches...

The whole morning is capped by
   a brilliant blue sky, ah..but
with a few summery white clouds
   beginning to float by   promising
many more to come in the
    later heat of the day

A few laughing kids walk by
   out front on their way to school--
Somewhere a ways off in the
    neighborhood, a distant
lawnmower is echoing its rather
    homey, peaceable sounds...

Our two (married?) resident
   blue jays are at it again--
quarreling in the top of our
   pine tree I think--she--
is winning

May Day and Cinco de Mayo
    are already o'er  and
Mother's Day coming.." and
    as they say: "Can the Fourth
be far off?"

So I sit here, thinking how beautiful
     and nice our world is...and
wondering what it would be like...
    without humans?

The "dappled light" continues to
   fascinate me...
       and I must write...
but    am waiting for the
    mockingbird to sing.
8 MAY 2019

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