Thursday, April 21, 2016


We have been busy lately and ran out of cornbread. Frozen, you know---
in bags...I made and we stored...

BE would stop off to get soup at Savory Fair, and pick up a couple of
Saran-wrapped corn breads @ .66 cents each...and one bite and the
sweet, crumbly slice would crumble into a dozen pieces...

Again this happened at Sprouts with two soups, corn chowder and cream
of broccoli. And Furr's Cafeteria was the worse of all. Crumbly...crumbly!

By today, I had had it. "Help me get the stuff ready for a double whammy---
I'm'a gonna bite the bullet and make a double recipe...of corn bread muffins
that John Wayne would have been proud of in TRUE GRIT," said I to BE.

That's what I done, using one cup of powdered milk to make do. You expert
wimmin' cooks know what I mean...

There is a down-side to my making my FAMOUS MUFFINS here in the
neighborhood, The smell wafts out over the breeze...and reaches every home,
many with nice-looking wimmin', and the next thing you know, they're lined
up at the front door, with butter, plates, thermoses of coffee, and some with
that great French jelly from Smith's.

What else can I do but invite them in...and they are raucous and love my muffins!

They about clean me out and then say: "Mil, let's talk about cooking...tell us your
secrets about cornbread!"

Then I have to say: "Girls, not today, I have to clean and oil my 870...remember 
that bar in the neighborhood th'other night...well it was me that scairt him away;
didja hear that shot (over his head, of course?")

Sometimes, it's not so bad...I get a hug now and then...and maybe someone
leaves me a jar of marmalade...and we have three or four muffins left...

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