Monday, April 27, 2015



♫There's a sleepy town south of fhe border
If you go there once, you'll be there twice
Lots of pretty girls, coming by the dozens
The white sand sure makes a tan look nice."

This is a true story. It happened in April, 2015.

It happened "south of the border, down Mexico

In fact, it happened about as far south as one
can go---on the "Baja," down at Cabo San

There an event occurred--- a near-vicissitude
which I will now proceed to relate.

The protagonists of this story, a Texas husband
and wife, were there at this resort with some
eighty company associates, due to their excellent
sales production with a large well-known company.

It was a very nice place--- hotels, restaurants,
swimming pools, and all kinds of recreational
events---an "all-inclusive" trip---everything paid.

Now,  there WAS a BIG important company Award
Dinner on Wednesday night, and though it was
not "white tie," everyone was expected to
show up in suits and ties...and of course the ladies,
even while back home, had been planning,
shopping, and preparing for it, with newly-
purchased knock-out dresses, and accessories---
as beautiful women are wont to do.

The lady in our story, of course, knew about this
special company dinner (her husband was up for
an award), and had planned her wardrobe big-time.

She'd planned to dress...gloriously.

But as fate often plays strange tricks on the
unsuspecting---alas! she had brought the WRONG

Her brand new dress was white with gold and
brown accents, knee-length---a dress to die for...
packed lovingly and ready for donning and dazzling!

"Hmmm, now where did I pack my brown shoes?"

Uh-oh, she'd in her excitement and rush---packed
her black heels! Oh no, no, no! This was awful!
(Men couldn't even realize HOW awful.)

Her nice  brown sandals weren't going to work, either!
No sir!

"Honey, I know it's not but fifteen minutes until
the banquet, but we've got to find a ladies' store---
one that's still open...or I'm sunk! I need shoes!

"In a resort town, at this hour? Where'd we go?"
Ah, but the gods of luck were looking after this
couple. As they walked through this big,
beautiful resort hotel lobby, they spied some
little shoppes over there by the coffee deli.

One had women's dresses and accessories
in its little show window...and SHOES!

And would you believe---a pair of gold high-
heel shoes on display!? (Though with five
inch heels---wo!) These likely wouldn't have
been her choice back home...but then, they
weren't "back home" and had only a short time.

"Do you have those gold heels in size seven?"

Returning with a box, the attractive Mexican
girl said: "YES!!"

She tried them on! With a big smile and
gleam in her eyes, (and relief) she almost
shouted, "They'll work!"

By now, her husband, realizing they were
in an exclusive, expensive resort hotel,
began to calculate the possible price---like
maybe $189.00. He had no clue.

"How much are they?" he warily asked.
"Thirty-five dollars." "We'll take 'em," they
both spoke simultaneously.

Everyone was happy that early evening
in Cabo; for as the old saw goes:
"A happy wife means a happy husband."

This story has a happy ending.

They went to the dinner--the gold heels
showed beautifully under the knee-length
white dress...there were many glances and
many more compliments...

For her, the shoes made the banquet more
memorable---much more than the brown
sandals would have.

There WAS a minor problem...but who could
ever complain.

She couldn't glide (as usual) with those five
inch heels. They were too tall for her.
Everywhere she walked that night, down at
Cabo, her husband steadied her on his arm!
Today those picturesque golden high heels
have a resting place on the mantel back home.
They may never be worn again.

But O the happy memories of a wonderful
trip and dinner...and times enjoyed...and
wherever the shoes are finally displayed...they'll
never have to be bronzed...

For they are already golden.

April 25. 2015

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