Saturday, February 21, 2015



Some day, some century, some eon..
    When in this vast universe...
of billions of galaxies, planets, suns, 

After TIME has ended, and man's 
    intrusion into ETERNITY...
is permanent...

Maybe the old EARTH will still be
    revolving its way in its
revolutions around the sun...
    Tho' it may be scorched and bare---
or a new ICE AGE...

Burned up...or frozen...but cleansed
    of all evil, sin, hatefulness, murder,
disobedience to God...there it is...
    Is the SUN and is the MOON
still giving light?

Will angels and heavenly historians
the EARTH, as it existed.......?

For it had a BEAUTY, who knows,
    maybe unsurpassed in the
whole COSMOS! Volumes were likely
   recorded somewhere, to tell
of its WONDERS!

The skies, the clouds, the sunsets,
    the rivers, springs, trees, mountains;
The wind...don't ever forget...the wind...
    The miracle of SEEDS providing man
with his food...

Choirs, symphony orchestras, mothers singing
    to babies, soft guitar music, singers, with 
purity of voice...celebrating life...with a 
heavenly expression---MUSIC.

The SEASONS, for variety...summer picnics,
    sports,  green lawns, dogs playing frisbee,
Winter-time, families around the fireside,
    Pancakes at Aunt Mary's. the smells
of bacon, eggs, and coffee...oh the joy
    of being!

The counting of a new baby's fingers and 
    toes...a tear comes to the eye, with 
his first little GIGGLE...

The beauty of a woman, her smile, and 
    the lilt in her voice...        

O, this EMPTY EARTH could tell stories...

Ah, where are all the people? GONE from
    this ARENA, now!

Where are all the evil ones of history?
     Who nearly ruined the beauty...?

Where are all those who knelt and said:
    "Forgive me, I need the AMAZING GRACE!"

One group is in HEAVEN with GOD...
    The other in the TRASH HEAP OF 

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."
Revelation 21.1

*****BY MIL*****

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