Monday, September 22, 2014



If there are seasons in other
    Realms Afar---
To compare with Spring, Summer,
    Autumn, and Winter---
I know not. The Creator knows.

But truly---I like the ones I know.

    With its dewy mornings, fresh
     crocuses and daffodils....
and trees leafing, and flowers blooming---
     The mourning doves are back
and robins are everywhere, on lawns
     searching for worms.
The old Sun is beginning its long climb,
     and April showers may come
our way!

     The days are warmin' up...and the
big white clouds are billowing high...
      The children are playing a
dozen games, and in the country,
      headin' for the old  fishin'
hole, to fish, or swim.

     Gardens are green, veggies are
growing...roses are blooming...
      Little apples appear on the trees...
Growing tomato vines promise juicy joys
     in August.

Vacationers pass by in their RV's and
      bicyclers and hikers are everywhere!

      Winter is here, announcing itself with
biting, howling, freezing winds,
      whipping around the corners of houses...
trying to speak to us in moans through
     partially open windows....

People are hanging out up in their cozy, warm
      attics, and reading in easy chairs,
covered with quilts, by the fireplace....

Snow and sleet can be heard, splatting the
Reminding us that Thanksgiving-time
      is almost here, and soon
it will be Christmas....
     Snowmen and sled-time...
and sliding down hills on tubes.

There's quietness and stillness in winter...
      if you walk in a light snowfall
at dusk...or midnight...

     Ah, but I skipped autumn didn't I?
Saving the best for last?
      Can there be a season like Autumn
anywhere else in the whole cosmos?

      Frosty mornings, first northers, leaves
falling, and rattling along curbs in the
      fall breezes---
Indian summer days---a gentleness in the air,
      and in the sun's if the
whole world is readying for hibernation.

       The smell of roasting green chillies
seems to come from every corner, where I live---
        A new apple crop is in, and caramel
appears on grocery shelves! Yum yum.

       Pumpkins appear on front porches, as well
as in the fields, gardens, and pumpkin pies.

        Outdoorsmen are out on frosty mornings
in frosty fields of feed stubble, wearing their old
        hunting coats, with their pockets full
of shells, and their old pump shotguns---chasing
        the ring necks...

       Others are up in their cozy attics, listening
to the wind whistle around the corner of the
        house, and that old branch slapping
the wall in the storm---all the while cleaning
      fishing gear, or oiling their boots, or
even reading a good book about hunting in
      Alaska, fishing on Lake Powell, or
maybe even dozing on the old camp bed.

YES! Autumn may be the BEST SEASON
                      OF ALL!


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