Monday, January 31, 2022




Friends of Mil's and readers of Mil's Place know that Mil left us earlier this year.   I (the "Beloved Editor") have been looking through his unposted writings, and will be selecting some for publication.  This is the first.  


He’s the one

That reminded us 

To see—

To see—

The universe,

The stars at night

The blue sky

Of day

The freshness

Of a dewy April morning

The clouds

The blue sky

The trees


and shimmering in the wind

The roses

The flowers

The look of love 

In a mother’s face

As she counts the 

Fingers and toes

Of a new baby…

A baby’s first gumless giggle

Paper and pen

Would fail

To list

What we

Don’t see—

It was the poet - he did it

He reminded us 

To see

And wonder….
