Saturday, July 27, 2019


"A Woman's Clear Voice....Lilting In Song"

"Come unto me, all ye who are weary
    and heavy laden, and I will give
        you rest.".  ...Matthew 11:25

It wasn't a big church, as churches go,
  but it was pretty full that Sunday
as it usually was    but over time
    its people were mired
in cares of the world and just
   "getting along" the trail of life...
and maybe had lost some zeal,
    concern for sin, and warmth
from earlier simpler times of life...

Besides all that, a good many
   of the grand old hymns
of Christianity were unused and
    languished in favor of the
   music...and forgotten and 
never heard anymore hardly at all

      "Just As I Am, Without One Plea,"
      "Jesus Paid It All"
      "I Am Coming To The Cross"
      "Jesus Is Tenderly Calling Thee home"

 So it happened one Sunday
    that the pianist was playing
an "old" much- used hymn--not many
   years ago--during  the "meditation time..."
          and she slowed and began
to repeat the glorious melody---and
    all at once, out of the clear blue
      ---and surprising the people
    came from far in the back--
"A woman's clear voice, lilting in song!"

   "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
       Calling for you and for me,
     See on the portals he's waiting
           and watching,
     Watching for you...and for me...
          Come home, come home,
     Ye who are weary come home;
        Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling:
     Calling O sinner       come home."

And the Holy Spirit of God came that day
    to that place of worship,
and sinners were touched  and went
   to the altar in tears and knelt, saying
in their hearts--in deep repentance
     "I've wandered far away from God,
          Now I'm coming home."
and this was witnessed by the people,
    and the Cosmos, and the angels and
their names were entered that day--
    in the Lamb's Book of Life...
never to be erased.

"A woman's clear voice, lilting in song..."
22 JULY 2019

Friday, July 12, 2019



One warm spring day.  
  not long ago and after
an early lawn mowing 
  I was sitting there 
under the back patio
   just sipping on lemon tea 
and got drowsy and must've
   dozed off    for one of
those weird day-time reveries

there I was     back in old Clovis
   my beloved hometown since
along about the summer of '38
    and I was walking the sidewalks
and seeing the streets    or was
    I riding the  old Schwinn bicycle
or in the green '60 Chevy pickup-
    who knows ...dragging Main...
or flying over someway--
    you know dreams...
and as I saw all around   my mind 
   went back over decades 
and saw all the store and businesses
    that were so much a part
of our world ...then... almost like
   characters in our drama of life
in our growing-up days...

   we had that town memorized.
In my dream    there were:

  Clovis High School    the Band Shell,
Silver Grill    Standridge  Drug  
    First Methodist    Gateway Auto
Curry County Court House. State Theater
   Stanley Pawol      Thrifty Drug
Sunshine Theater   Levine's  Anthony's
   Fox Drug     Newsstand    J.C. Penny's
Lyceum  Theater     Cotton's Barber Shop 
      Woolworth's       May Brothers 
Duckworth's Drug    Carmack's  Sutter's
   Holmberg's      Frear's      Mandell’s…..

…..Jack Holt the Clothier  Citizens Bank
    Carrington Barber Shop   Post Office
Jenk's Barber Shop   Peggy's Shop
   City Hall/Fire Department 
The Country Store     Whatley's  Wick's
   O.K.RubberWelders   Empy's Welding
Magic Steam Laundry  Phelps Grocery
   Blaylock's     Janeway Drug 
Rode's Mens Store       Coney Island
    Slaughter Murray’s     Mesa Theater
Busy Bee    Hotel Clovis    Snazzy Pig
     El Monterrey    Clovis National
Montgomery Ward      Clovis Printing
    Woolworth's     and then: 

there I was      standing there at the 
corner of Fourth and Main    in front
of Barry Hardware, one of my favorite
stores and places in town--and 
strangely of a sudden the time was
August of 1945      and Main was
blocked and a KICA van was out in
the intersection broadcasting, as
I came out of the Saturday movie at
the Lyceum...

      KICA was announcing through
their loudspeaker
      The Japanese have surrendered.
And I was eleven years old ...and
thought No More Wars...and suddenly
  I awoke...
   By MIL
   22 MAY 2019


Used to       on cool summer mornings
    the Bush-tits came to our bird grain
       just about every day 
and flitted and fluttered around faster
   than the eye could follow,
having breakfast with us, so to speak...

Ah, the sun was still climbing
  and the its angle threw an amazing
                 "dappled light"
across my writing place...
   and all seemed peaceful and quiet
with the world...

But then our trusted Bird Grain Lady
   at the grain store told us:
"We got this new bird grain in...
   that will attract all kinds of exotic
birds--you know, like cardinals, parrots,
   blue-footed boobies...and 
amazing birds hardly ever seen...'if
you buy it--they will come!' "

So we bought it, a hanging cylinder
   of miraculous-unheard-of grain!
            They didn't come....
and our marvelous and interesting 
    little Bush-tits...just up and left.

So now we have returned to the old
   tried-and-true regular 
          run-of-the-mill bird grain
and the little Tits 
     "have returned to Capistrano,"

They are back and the happiest,
   flitting-est, nervous-like, and
energetic ones that one could imagine!
   Amazing little creatures...from
The Creator...everywhere at once...

We think there are five, but then
    they are difficult to count
as they won't be still...
    Four are eating as fast 
as they can...with one poor little
          hungry watch-bird
over in the waxy bush...alone.

11 JULY 2019

Monday, July 8, 2019



The rock   gathered from the "Omaha"
   Normandy Beach seventy-five
years later     has been laved
   by the waves of the sea for 
years and worn down  as has been 
   a weary world    tired of wars
and  men dying on lonely beaches
   and battlefields, barely after life
has begun for them...thousands
   from the beaches of Normandy,
D-DAY 1944  many buried nearby
   where the poppies grow
row-on-row...forever resting in 
            fields of honor...

And the clackers carried by the 
   U.S. 101st parachutists who jumped
into the dark French midnight 
   over St. Mere Eglise...into
               The Unknown
as then they clacked each other 
   in the hedgerows..."I'm 101st.."
can be bought by tourists  and
    little French kids...listen
as they play..."Click,click clack,"
   but the clickers are saying today---
"We came, we came...we came

      and died here for freedom...
Once again....



Taiban, Abandoned and Forgotten
by Billy Gilbreath

Entering Taiban says the highway sign
With anticipation to see the historic town
Slowing my speed   to avoid the passing traffic
Entered with caution on the gravel street
There the uneven ruts ended at the steps
And there it remained the famous building
The church from years past and forgotten
Taiban Presbyterian famous only for photographs
Wondering how it could survive years and years
Wind of the plains, dust and even tornadoes
God allowed it to remain and perhaps purpose
Using the metal handrail of steel curved pipe
Allowed my weakened knees and lesser grasp
To enter the now removed entrance door
Perhaps it is now used at a nearby dwelling
There inside as my steps were carefully placed
The planks once filled with pews now missing
 Staring  out the  windows without panes
Seeing the distance where once the town
Empty and falling structures, boarded up
Could I hear Rock of Ages, Amazing Grace
Only with my imagination with closed eyes
Looking forward with visions of preacher
Only the distance through the open window 
The ornate ceiling of wood survived ages
 Fortunately the graffiti could not be reached.
Only the faded wall and crumbling paint
Allowed those to install the many scripts
Some inspiring,  encouraging, some foolish
Pictures, with modern phones, cameras
Will continue to be placed on the cloud
But most of all emblazed on my mind
God’s purpose for the little church 
Though not eternal but a reminder
Earthly things will eventually pass

My plans will remain forever, eternity.

by Billy Gilbreath, guest writer
July 8, 2019



"Thou the spring of all my comfort,
   More than life to me;
Whom have I on earth beside Thee
   Whom in heaven but Thee?"
"We're marching upward to Zion
   the beautiful City of God."
       2 Samuel 5:7
"O day for which creation
   and all its tribes were made..."
   from ..."Ten Thousand Times
                       Ten Thousand"
"Shall we gather at the river
   where bright angel feet have trod,
With its crystal tide forever
   flowing by the throne of God?
Yes we'll gather at the river,
   the beautiful, beautiful river--
Gather with the saints at the river
   that flows by the throne of God."
       ....Robert Lowry 1826-1899
"In the mansions bright and blessed
    He'll prepare for us a place.
When we all get to heaven
    What a day of rejoicing that will be..."
"When the trumpet of the Lord
   shall sound and time shall be no
more, and the morning breaks eternal
    bright and fair;
When the saved of earth shall gather
   over on the other shore--
When the roll is called up yonder,
   I'll be there."
"Blessed Saviour thou will guide us
   'til we reach that blissful shore,
Where the angels wait to join us
   in Thy praise forevermore."
   from..."Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad"
"Jerusalem, the golden,
    with milk and honey blest...
I know not, oh I know not
   What joys await us there--
What radiancy of glory
    What bliss beyond compare."
 ....Bernard of Cluny, 12 th century
"I'm satisfied with just a cottage
A little silver and a little gold;
    But in that city, where the ransomed
will shine,
    I want a gold one, that's silver lined."

"I'm headin' for the last Roundup..."
"I look away across the sea where
   mansions are prepared for me,
And view the shining glory shore--
   my heav'n my home, forevermore."
    . ..."Beulah Land, Sweet Beulah Land"
8 JULY 2019