Friday, July 21, 2017


"In those simpler times of 1942, no one meant any harm,
or had....."intent"

To this day I don't know what got into me,
that long ago time in the spring of '42 when
I had just turned eight, and was in the third
grade at old La Casita School in Clovis.

Pearl Harbor had just been bombed several
months earlier and I picked that spring to
fall in love for the very first time.

I think what happened is my hormones kicked
in a little early....and there was little sweet,
cute, nice  Lucy Jane, sitting right across
from me by the wall radiators, along under 
the  windows.

Okay, she may have been a bit pudgy, but
she had rosy cheeks and lips--she was
appropriately aloof to the whole world---
("hard to get,")...and she could SPELL!

(I have ever been fascinated by wimmin' who
can spell.)

Somehow I started dreaming about kissing
Lucy and couldn't get the thought out of my
head. No, I wasn't thinking one of those silly
movie-type kisses---just a sweet little run-
of-the-mill-kiss-on-the-cheek! That was it.

You know.

Why I cared about her at all I don't know. For
she was an expert already at wimmin's stuff---
haughty, distant, ignoring, and she didn't even know I existed.
(In later years, pondering earlier events in my
life, I realized that she was merely...shy...
bashful-shy. And she wasn't much interested
in boys.)

Anyway, as time went along, I ignored a very
important rule laid down early from my mama:
An old West Texas farm saying-- "Don't never
tell your guts."

Badly needing some sympathy and advice, I
told my guts to two "pals." Rule One broken,
and they blabbed, all over the playground.

Little eight year old Mil, was losing face, as 
a ladies' man, and fast! Why, they dared me!

I went over there by that rock fence on the
L.C. School playground, and sort of grabbed
little unsuspecting Lucy, and gave her a big
old SMACK right on the cheek. 

It was really just a plain old run-of-the-mill-
kiss-on-the-cheek...I had absolutely no
experience with that kind of stuff.

She didn't do like in the movies and smack-
back-big. And she didn't do cartwheels!

NO! She bawled...and big time! I never saw
anything like it in my whole life! This wasn't
sposed to happen. And I had no "Wimmin's
Manual" to consult...

A Crying Woman...why it scared me to death,
I almost went "on the lam."

In truth and mercifully, the years have wiped
the consequences and ramifications of my 
deed out of my mind, as if to protect my 

It seems I was called in after school to meet 
with the teacher and chewed out good and 
proper. She never phoned my parents.

The upshot of the whole experience was that 
I swore in my eight-year-old mind--off wimmin'  for life! No more kissin' or messin' around with that bunch---they're trouble!

Fooey on 'em. My resolve held until the teen-age years.

Had this event happened in this extreme
day and time, I would be  sent up for 

(Lucy Jane must have moved away from 
Clovis at some point, for she did not 
graduate with CHS '51.  Over time, in my
mind, I have thought of her, and wished her
a good life.)

30 JUNE 17

(Can someone find Mil a photo of
     dear old  La Casita School?)

Thursday, July 20, 2017



"Going to the doctor" does not mean
     the same thing around our house anymore
as what it used to.

For you see, I've skipped the whole year...
     so far. Going, that is.

Some wimmin' "go to the doctor" all the 
blessed time. I guess iffen you're really sick,
it's okay, but we had a friend  who was one 
heck of a cook, especially with COOKIES.

You'd nearly die to even smell one of her 
cookies. Her doctors soon found out about
it, for she would take them a basket of cookies
on office visits (you know, reminiscent of old
times, when you took a fryer, in lieu of cash,
all picked and blow-torched, gutted, and 
ready to fry) and she got free sample drugs 
and I don't know whatall.

She went regular,,,"whether she needed to go
or not'"---at least I always wondered.

Anyway, BE is not that bad, but you young 
grooms, listen up: Don't never say to a 
wife: "I reckon my elbow hurts bad." 

Before you know it, she will have you traipsing
down to the doctor---and what a nightmare
it is with today's democratic restrooms...if you
have to slip away, you will have to decide
and select from six different-sexual-choice-
comfort-rooms. Choices, choices...ugh..

Nossir, Mil doesn't go that route anymore.He
knows a "specialist" who lives down toward
Capricorn who is more or less retired.

Does have a sort of "Practice" at his home
there...he practices on animals and even 
plants. He is Dr. W.. For short...

If you slip questions to him on email, he will
not classify them as an "office call'" and 
will give you advice on diet, liquids, healthful
recipes, nutrition, seafood, wild pig meat...
most all of which will git you well iffen you 
feel punk.

Don't be surprised when he touts baby
alligator stew, or French Fried Mud Bugs.

You should see me since he told me to eat
loads of Romaine Lettuce.

Once't, after I told him of having a teensy zit
take offen my nose, and they brought this
11/2 inch hypodeemic nerdle in to where I
lay, and clanked it down (big noise) on this
awful glass tray...shaking me up good, and 
I wrote him about it,  he sent pics of himself
treating clients...and WROTE: "Come on 
down,we'll take care of ya'."

(Okay so his clients that day were...cows.)

My knee's been sore so I think I'll head 
south to see him and git checked out.

Besides, he's got lots of fresh juices fixed
right now with his new juicer from AMAZON.
I think I'll try some watermelon juice when 
I arrive, to be sociable.

Being a guest (in that marvelous junky open
shed) I have only one request for the Doc---
         "If you should cook up anything for
          us to eat out on that there fishing dock,
          while we talk, remember I am allergic to 
          Saskatchewan  Dog."

I will bring cookies.

19 JULY 17


Monday, July 17, 2017


((Me and Zane Grey were contemporaries for 
    a time...and were both borned 
          on January 31. How 'bout that?))

On Monday mornings I sometimes
     get up early, anticipating
a fine new day

About 6:30 a.m. today, I found 
      on those steep stairs 
climbing up to my beloved,
      cozy attic, juggling  my
Ozark Trail vacuum mug, 
      filled with yesterday's
left-over coffee...heated...

a plastic grocery sack with
    three cans of my favorite 
Campbell's fine soup...
    Cream of Potato,  Chicken
Noodle, and French Onion...
     thinking maybe I could
somehow hurry up an early fall
     norther, just by stocking
the larder upstairs...nice place
     to go when it storms

Hadn't been up there in awhile
     (with all this summer heat)
and I turned on the AC to 
      cool things a bit, and 
opened the window
      for fresh air

I sat on my rugged steel GI
     surplus bed, that probly
some general...Ike or Patton,
     or maybe Bradley had
slept on, during some campaign,
     maybe the ETO

Sitting there, on that bunk,
    piled with quilts at one end,
my eyes naturally went to 
              the wall to
     the big six by six raw pine
bookshelf I had hammered
     together myself (wth skill.
rustic-like) and the worn K-BAR
     rakishly stabbed at an 
angle into one end, right into

At the other end of the bookshelf 
           was my aging
         collection of
a dozen-and-a-half Zane Grey
     books, acquired back 
in the sixties, for likely $4.95 per

Young Mil first read ZG back when
      he was thirteen and in the 
eighth CHS friend Mardis
     lived two blocks away, on
Edwards Street, and I borrowed
     his family's Zane's over time,
maybe ten 'em all

I lived that summer of '47
    on a horse out some'ers
in the west, riding around to
     ranches, and meeting 
beautiful maidens, and falling
in love with 'em--- every one!

Tales, tales...of the old West...
     rugged cowboys, high.
mountain canyons and passes,
      beans out of a skillet,
sleeping under the stars,
      to the smell of purple sage, 
             and experiencing all
old Wetzel's vicissitudes...

"And what might yore name be,
"Wal, it MIGHT be Jones, but 
     it ain't."

"As shore as God made little apples,"
     it was a great time, and great 
reading, and WWII was over...

If you can find a cuss word...
    or an f-word, in any ZG novel,
I will buy you a Big Mac, with

What thrilled am eighth grader,
     with no woman yet,
was when that cowboy and his girl
      were being chased by the
mean old wicked villains, and 
      they headed  lickety-split
thru that only tight mountain pass,
          (on their faithful steeds)
    and toppled rocks and blocked
that pass forever...remember that?!

Well, they lived forevermore 
     in bliss, and no one
could bother them, ever again.

Wonderful !!!

So went my thinking, upstairs
    in my attic, this morning 
             sitting there on
Patton's surplus campaign bed...

....tempted to open that can of
      Potato Soup for breakfast---
but ah, sometime during the summer
      someone ate all my Ritz Crackers.

Coffee's still warm, in my Ozark Trail...
17 July 17

Friday, July 14, 2017


"Now is the summer of our content....
   made glorious...."

In his fertile
    and facts-packed-mind
down south there at
        his beloved farm
it was tuning out to be
    a fine summer---
          maybe even
    the halcyon time of his

Wild Peach was green and
    as marvelous-looking 
       as he could remember
even tho' the spring
           garden was 
      already done, either et up
or in freezers

It was satisfying to know that
      even the old talkin'
Gnarledy Oaks
           had both grown
      another ring!

And soon his favorite cotton gin
        would have oodles and 
      gobs of fermented hulls
and other detritus he could 
          get and haul for free
      to feed his fall plants---

("fermented cotton debris": a 
     wonderful smell to a 
scientist; think of all those---

Down at the pond, where he 
    was wont to settle down
with a good book, and read
      in the shade...and fish

The bass were jumpin' early
      and the catfish were 
                a' growin'
to beat sixty---and the crappie 
     had got as big as 
              Magic's hands

The Red Barn, a famous 
    landmark on the 
        coast, shone big time
in the bright sun, even tho'
    Ole Sol was already headed 
back south, 
            toward Capricorn.

People galore stop by--those
     pesky tourists, asking: 
"Can we see in that Red Barn?"
"Got any mud-bugs for sale?"

A rare wild pig or javelina wanders
     onto the property     
                     now and then
and he dispatches it with his 410 and
      it becomes sausage 
                    in one of freezers

It's been nigh onto half-a-year
     since the little three-year-old
          tyke with no diaper and
his little pee-pee showing,
      wandered onto the place
          and rang Doc's  doorbell
during breakfast...
           just one of the fine
   stories he is wont to tell

He is not in his dotage, but still
     may be seen sitting 
          under the Old Oaks,
      talking and passing 
the time...with his favorite trees...

All things considered...
     "The Doc," as he is 
affectionately referred to in these
     parts, and his lovely wife
will tell you they have had 
            "a glorious summer"

"But we will miss the 'Little Gators'
         when they are gone."

7 JULY 17


Aerial view from drone, courtesy Kilmer

Monday, July 10, 2017


CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO...June 17-24, 2017

PHOTOS  by Bobby Joe Snipes, 
       CHS CLASS '53

STORY by Bobby Joe and MIL

                        COUNTY COURTHOUSE
                 CLASS OF '77 BUS                  

Clovis' Old Timers say that the miraculous,
magnificent old custom of the forties, fifties, 
and sixties...somehow ended back there in the
mists of one seems to know exactly

Mil is not sure just when either. But there IS 
good news. It is being revived once again 
(since 2014) each year---on the last weekend 
in June. Even if only for a few days...

It seems to be growing more popular each 
year. It is augmented by and popular with car collectors/restorers/hot rod enthusiasts, and 

This year the thing seemed to expand big-
time with the vacant fields behind the Junior
High School, down toward old Wildcat Field
and the old lake...lined up by the scads with
beautiful restored cars. They were all nicely 
waxed and shining.

I've heard tell that there were a lot of hamburger
stands here and there this year! Wow! What fun!

Bob Snipes worked hard to get a good story
for MIL'S....he tells us:

"There were three high school classes that
scheduled their reunions during the Dragging
Main Celebration. One of the attached photos
is the yellow bus, rented by the CHS '77 class.

Since there were three reunions going on and
dragging, we decided to put a sign on our car
saying "CHS '53." We picked up a friend from
our class, Diane (Curry) Burns, and had a great 
time dragging ol' Main and remembering water
fights and other escapades that took place on
the Red Bricks...back in the forties.

We didn't get out and walk---we just drove 
around absorbing the grand event. When we
were stopped in traffic, I'd jump out and grab
a photo or two. I tried to get a shot or two
showing the beloved old HOTEL CLOVIS,

There were dozens of beautiful Hot Rod and
Customized cars...really nice stuff! And there 
seemed to be scads of eating vendors, selling
everything from pizzas to hot dogs to funnel

The sidewalks were lined with people. Parking
lots along and behind Main were filled. The 
photos cannot catch the real magnitude of the 
size of the promotion."

Bobby Joe ends his neat description of the 
event with this paragraph. (He and Betty
live on Pile, one  block east...)

"When we went home about nine o'clock the
traffic was backed up way past Marshall
Junior High on down toward the lake, and out
on Commerce Way also. The promoters really 
did a good job. They are to be commended.

(We headed on home to our soft easy chairs,
and then turned in about midnight and the fun
lasted on past 12:00. Betty could hear them 
from our house.")

Thanks Bob for a fine write-up.

Next year, 2018, the Red Bricks of Main 
Street will be 100 years old. Wonder if that'll 
play big in the "Fifth Annual Main Dragging"
      AND MIL
JULY 4, 2017